

Provedor of the Irmandade

My name is Carlos Faria e Maia and i’m, proudly, the Provedor of the Irmandade, a congregation of faithful, with legal, canonical and civil character.
Its main goal, and also the most known, is the promotion of the Cult of Senhor Santo Cristo dos Milagres, which began in the city of Ponta Delgada, island of São Miguel, Azores, in the distant year of 1700. Since then, every year, the Procession of Senhor Santo Cristo dos Milagres takes place with an ever increasing and constant adhesion of devotees, renewed from year to year and transversal to so many generations of Azoreans. This tricentennial procession is considered to be the largest in Europe and the second largest in the world.
For those who never had the opportunity to attend, the short video presented on this website gives a general idea of the dimension of the festivities in honor of Senhor Santo Cristo dos Milagres.

Anthem Lyrics

Glória a Cristo Jesus, Glória Eterna
Nosso Rei, nossa firme esperança;
Soberano que os mundos governa
E as nações recebeu por herança.

Com o manto e o ceptro irrisório
Sois de espinhos cruéis coroado.
Rei de dor uma vez no Pretório
Rei de amor para sempre adorado.

Concedei-nos por graça divina
Que sejamos um povo de eleitos,
Firmes crentes na Vossa doutrina
Cumpridores dos Vossos preceitos.

Combatendo por Vossa bandeira
Que nos peitos trazemos erguida
Alcançamos a paz verdadeira
E a vitória nas lutas da vida.

Só a Vós com inteira obediência
Serviremos com firme vontade;
Porque em Vós há justiça e clemência
Porque em Vós resplandece a verdade.

The lyrics of the Senhor Santo Cristo dos Milagres anthem, sung every year during the festivities, were written by João Vieira Jerónimo, then regent of the Church of Fajã de Cima Chapel, on the island of São Miguel, and was dated to April 1970.